Companies must present an accurate and convincing image of their capabilities when seeking investment. In order to do this, they must gather and make available important documents to determine their strengths and effectiveness. Data rooms are a great solution to ease this process and give investors the information they require to make informed investment decisions.
Some startups struggle to keep pace as the process develops. This could delay the due diligence process and cause delays in the payment of investment. To avoid this, follow a clear plan in regards to what you will include in your investor’s data room.
If an investor requests your operating licenses, environmental assessments, and other documents related to this it is recommended to include them in your data space right from the beginning. By doing this, you’ll be able to avoid having to send these documents again in the future, and be able to answer the question before you are asked.
It’s also important to only provide the information that supports your overall narrative at every stage of the financing process. For instance, a seed-stage business would likely focus on the latest market trends, regulatory changes and other compelling “why now” forces, whereas a growth company might highlight the latest key accounts and relationships as well as product developments and expansions.
Finally, it’s also a good idea to refrain from “trickle” sharing. This is a mistake many entrepreneurs make. It can derail momentum and lead to a lengthy process of financing. It is recommended to raise money only when you are in a position to do so.