Business functions are the processes which allow the company to function. They cover a wide array of activities, from human resources to finance, and even marketing. They assist companies in achieving their daily objectives, generate revenue and ensure that the company remains functional.

When teams or departments have clearly defined business tasks, they understand the scope of their work. This helps them to avoid accidentally interfering with the work of other people. It can also help them manage their workflow and resources.

For instance, if your company sells physical goods, you will likely have multiple departments accountable for the manufacturing process. You might require departments for customer service, shipping and logistics. Each department must be able to cooperate together to provide the final product or service to customers. It is important to create an accountability chart outlining the roles of each department, as well as their areas of responsibility. This will allow you to establish clear business objectives, and minimize the possibility of overlap.

You can create org charts and accountability charts using software like Functionly that show key business functions, along with the employee roles that support those tasks. This can help you better organize your team, reduce the amount of work that is duplicated, and stay agile in adjusting to market changes. If a particular task requires the expertise of several departments, putting together teams of cross-functional experts to accomplish it is a smart idea. This means that your business can more effectively respond to shifts in the market and meet the strategic goals.

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